.Iranian gas Engineering and Development Co

Iran Gas Engineering and Development Company, National Iranian Gas is one of the subsidiary companies of the oil industry on the basis of the project is based.
Studies with all matters including economic, technical, and the project that will be communicated by the National
:Iranian Gas Company
Perform all engineering including fundamental (basic) and detailed in the notified plan
Design, monitoring and implementation of all operations, including engineering and building construction and development of production systems and gathering and transportation of gas, wellhead facilities, refineries and dehydration facilities, transmission lines, power and gas distribution, and gas pressure reduction stations , telecommunication systems, pumping stations, construction, infrastructure and marine structures and related facilities within the country and abroad.
Do all matters relating to the provision of needed items and projects from inside and outside the country
Perform any activity scientific, technical, financial, commercial and services that are necessary for the development 

:year vision20
Posing as the leading company in the management and execution of projects and industrial projects, gas (gas pipelines, compressor stations, refineries and related buildings) in the Middle East and won third place in the world (in order to capture at least 10% of shares global gas trade)
Management and execution of projects defined in the gas industry including gas pipelines, compression stations, refineries and related buildings to provide energy for
At least 95% of urban areas
40% of rural households
All power plants
All Energy Intensive Industries
All gas-fueled vehicles